
This is actually Ryan, despite the title of this post. Last night I saw the 2011 movie Paul. But if the title of the post gets Paul out of seclusion to comment on the blog or write, even better. If you've not seen Paul, it's basically about two nerds that go on a post-Comicon tour of UFO sites in the southwest US, only to actually find an alien. The alien is named Paul, and he's just escaped from a government facility and is trying to meet up with his own kind. He's evidently from a raunchy galaxy Read more [...]

Top 12 of 2012: “Cloud Atlas” (“Co-Review” by the Sitzchowski Brothers)

Good evening! We're back today with an admittedly enormous post to continue our 2012 review. It's so long that it even has two authors, who both took on new identities; Now Ryan and Paul are calling themselves the Sitzchowski Brothers in homage to the Wachowskis, the sibling pair who co-directed Cloud Atlas (along with director Tom Tykwer... but unless we can convince Jake to play "Tom Jykewer," then we'll just have one author fewer than the movie has directors). We'll begin with Paul's argument Read more [...]

2012 Notable Movie: “The Dark Knight Rises” (An Anti-Tribute by Paul)

We, the Editors of Cinematic Attic, have been feverishly watching movies in the last week in attempt to get as many thoughts and perspectives as possible about 2012's offerings. We've compiled a list of our collective Top 12 Movies of 2012, which we'll reveal in a few days, but in the meantime, each of us has chosen a movie to write about. All of the movies we'll discuss made our group's Top 12 list, but as you'll see, not all the movies were universally lauded. Over the next few days we'll Read more [...]