Fight the Nazis again with this double-feature!

Back in late May I watched two sci-fi Nazi films. The first, Iron Sky (Nazis on the moon). The second, Nazis at the Center of the Earth (Nazis at the center... well, I think that's obvious). Iron Sky wasn't bad at first, I would even say I was intrigued at the beginning. It quickly turned into a political satire, and not a good one. Apparently, the United States eventually vote in a Sarah Palin-esque president, which might be funny, but it wasn't, just really annoying. The special effects Read more [...]

The Z Word

If I were ever in a zombie apocalypse (or "infected" apocalypse or whatever) and I saw a zombie walking towards me, I wouldn't think, "Oh dear, how will ever dispatch of this zombie? It must be indestructible!" No way! I'd just say, "Oh shit! It's just like in every zombie book and movie ever made! Hey everyone, just destroy its head or brain and let's go home!" Read more [...]

Dazed and Confused

"What are you looking at? Wipe that face off your head, bitch!" I haven't been in school for 6 years but still, every year around this time I get the "school's out for summer" feeling. Dazed and Confused is the best movie for this time of year and it's is the best movie of its kind. This movie is chockfull of great quotes, but Parker Posey has the best one. Does anyone else get this feeling this time of year? Are there any other movies anyone watches this time of year? I also enjoy American Read more [...]

A “Memento” Quote To Tattoo On Your Body

"Hey, guess what time it is: it's beer o'clock, and I'm buying." -Teddy (Joe Pantoliano), from Memento I haven't seen Memento for a few years, but after remembering this quote a few days ago (I joked with one of my students about the time being "beer o'clock"), I checked out more from the movie and realized how much I liked it. I really dug it when it came out in 2001 and I remember seeing it a few times in Germany and back in Colorado. Really original plot and concept, good acting, great lines. Read more [...]

Michael J. Fox Quote

"Nothing is quite so noisy as a stealthy drunk." - Michael J. Fox I read this quote in Fox's book Lucky Man back in 2001 or so. I've always been a fan since Back to the Future is still at the top of my favorite movies list. I dug this quote up when I was looking through a "quote book" that my old roommate Himal and I started writing down funny things when we lived together. A lot of them are from our friends, but there are also some from movies and books. I may find a few more and put them Read more [...]

Star Trek (But Not The New One)

Ryan here. We watched 2009's Star Trek last night. I'd not seen it before, but it was on Netflix. I was afraid they might take it off come June, so I thought we should check it out. I'm definitely a Star Wars partisan, but I enjoy the Trek world, too. It's just much bigger and I have to admit that I've only seen the original movies, and that was when I was still in high school. And I'm fine with that--it just seems like if I really wanted to try to get into Star Trek, it would take me the rest Read more [...]