Movie Map

I recently found this awesome movie map at this site:

This is obviously big, so click on the picture for more details.

What do you think? Personally, I’m tempted to follow every line from start to finish, counting the number of movies I’ve seen and not, and substituting other movies where I thought necessary. But if I did that, I’d never get anything done…

2 thoughts on “Movie Map

  1. I saw this the other day and thought it was awesome! I love that people spend time making these things. It’s something I aim to spend more time doing. I LIKE MOVIES!

  2. I know, isn’t the level of detail pretty amazing? I mean, I’m sure I could comment on each of these movies (even if some of the comments were “ain’t done seen it”), but to actually organize and put them all together, along with graphic design skills 1,000 times better than my bare-minimum MS Paint abilities… well, that’s pretty neat. Of course it’s not perfect, but it’s a very noteworthy and interesting labor of love on the part of whoever took the time to make it.

    It’s kinda like my mural of the Battle of Hoth from Empire Strikes Back, using chewed (then dyed) Big Red gum sculpted into AT-ATs, belly button lint molded into Rebel forces, and toenail clippings for snow. Not only is it a tribute to one of my favorite movies, but it’s also a meditation on the fragility and disgusting-ness of life. And a love letter to Ewoks.

    But there I go again, tooting my own horn…

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