Djake’s got a lot of movies. A lot of movies I’ve never seen, that I want to see. He’s got really good taste, so I let him recommend movies to me every so often. He told me to watch The Proposition (2005), an Australian western, and let me borrow it way back at the beginning of December. Here’s a conversation with Djake I had about the film a week before Christmas:
Djake: Hey, you watch The Proposition yet?
Deuce: Well, I started it, but I’m only about 30 minutes into it.
Djake: Argh! You gotta watch it! It’s a Christmas movie!
Deuce: It is? (fart)
Djake: Yeah! I told you that!
Deuce: (faaaart) Oh… Ok. I’ll get on that.
As you can see, my brother-in-law and I have really intellectual conversations, and I also had really bad gas that night. I ended up watching this thing over two months, in about 4 or 5 different sit-downs. It would’ve been a lot longer had Sam not been hogging the iPad watching the new show she’s been into, American Horror Story. I’m actually glad she has been into that show, though, since it gave her inspiration to blog her first post! Or is it post her first blog… No, wait… Nevermind…

Do they have an Australian standoff in the film? Guess you’ll just have to borrow the movie from Djake and see for yourself, huh?!
Australia. Guy Pearce’s younger brother, who’s in the Burn’s gang, gets arrested by Russel Crowe’s brother, Ray Winstone. I don’t actually think they’re brothers, but he really reminded me of Crowe in this film. Winstone tells Pearce, “Hey, I’d arrest you too, but I really actually want your older brother, so I’ll make you a deal”. Winstone tells Pearce that if he goes off into the bush to find his older brother, Danny Huston, who’s also in the Burn’s gang, and bring him to justice, he’ll not only let him (Pearce) free, but he’ll also pardon his younger brother. Pearce accepts. That’s about the first 15 minutes.
Brutal, brutal film! The camera never looks away! You think one brutally-disturbing image is the last, but there’s another one right ahead of it. My favorite performance probably goes to Winstone, surprisingly, since Pearce and Huston are well known for their actor-ing artistry. He just does a great job at displaying compassion in a tough setting, trying to do what he feels is right, protecting his small family (his wife is played by Emily Watson, which deserves a polite applause for her wonderful performance). John “Space-Between-Spaces” Hurt also has a smallish role as a drunkard bounty hunter who encounters Pearce. Faramir, from The Lord of the Rings, also feels like he has to stick his enormously large nose into everybody’s business here, and he does (I liked his accent, though).
I was glued to the screen for the first half, but about 2/3 of the way through, I felt a bit of boredom. I realized the end was nearing and started to fantasize about the ending. The end came, and delivered just about everything I wanted. It was well worth the wait, albeit a bit of sluggishness. It was just about as much satisfaction as I’ve experienced in a film for a long while!
Nick Cave did the music (and wrote the script, to boot!), but it left me not wanting to chase it down like some movie music. I absolutely loved his scores (did I use that term correctly, Jessica?) for The Assassination of Jesse James and The Road, but this one didn’t force a download from iTunes.
Unfortunately, this movie is not available to stream from anywhere I know of. But, if you know Djake well enough and offer him some bacon, I’m sure he’ll let you borrow it.
Grittiness, 14/17. Acting, 15/17. Script, 16/17. Overall, 15/17. Deuce says watch it, mate!
I feel like all your conversations with Jake are slight variations on the one mentioned in this post.
Good work, Deuce, I love this movie! And I love Nick Cave. Have you seen Lawless yet? It’s another Cave movie, it might still be at Redbox.
Oh, and nice job with the film music terminology!
I got this movie a few years ago when Paul recommended it to me at a video store. I agree–it’s excellent!
Speaking of Nick Cave and his myriad talents, has anyone by chance read any of his books? I read “And The Ass Saw The Angel” a few years ago, but I’ve read a lot in the meantime and forgot a lot of it. I do remember it being pretty dark and complicated, which is about on par for Cave.
I’ve never read anything by Nick Cave but I’ve wanted to. I’m a huge fan of his. I think his lyrics are some of the most literary of any artist ever. His songs are like short stories and I love how he will write from different points of view, even if they are female or a different race.
The Proposition is one of my faves… at least one of my faves to recommend to people that probably missed it the first time around. And Ry, I started reading The Death of Bunny Munro, but I haven’t finished it. Not that it’s bad, I just read about 5 or so books at a time, so certain ones will grab my attention more than others at any given point.
I might have to check that one out in my Book a Week project this year. I think he’s an excellent writer, but the other book made me feel weird, haha!
Hey Deuce!
I have a “proposition” for you: Do you want to try playing a game called “Dice With Buddies”? A friend of mine told me about it…
Dude, whatever happened to our games?!? Haha! I’m on it!
No kidding! I’ve been waiting for about a week!
I might be extremely narcissistic since I’m mentioned heavily in this review, but I think it’s your best one yet, Dusty. This is simply fantastic! Winstone was my favorite actor in this too.
Has anyone seen the New Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds video? Strangely enough, like The Proposition, it stars Ray Winstone and was directed by John Hillcoat. Here is a link if anyone is interested (since I suck at embedding videos):
I submit that no one else can strut like Nick Cave struts at the end of that video.
I hadn’t seen that video, but I had heard the song, plus We No Who U R, and while Nick Cave has done this sort of sound in the past, it seems like a bit of a surprise as a follow up to Dig, Lazarus, Dig! which was a lot louder and crunchier. Especially with Grinderman in the mix as well, it seemed like as of late (besides his scores) he was heading in a different direction. I wonder what the rest of the album will be like.
Paul, you’re very close, but I’d humbly submit John Travlota strutting on Saturday Night Fever as being the equal of Nick Cave’s strut. If you please…