Atomic Film Fest: On The Beach (1959)

Hello again! Our Atomic Film Fest continues this evening with 1959's movie On The Beach. There was also a remake in 2000 (which I'll discuss soon), but I think this must be one of the earliest movies made that contains a nuclear scare, although the "scare" is fairly mild. The idea is that The US and The USSR have bombed each other to hell, and there's not much left of the northern hemisphere except a cloud of radiation that's slowly making its way south. The bulk of the story takes place Read more [...]

Atomic Film Fest: The Day After

As I mentioned in my last post, a couple months ago I got on a kick of watching movies related to nuclear scares and post-nuclear-apocalypse tales. WarGames was a bit goofy but entertaining overall, but that movie stands in contrast to another movie from the same year which kicked off my film fest, The Day After. The Day After is a 1983 made for TV movie that apparently made a huge impact when it was released, although I was only three when it came out, so I guess I wouldn't know. What I do Read more [...]