Walk of Life Project

It's been a looong time since I (or anyone) wrote anything on this blog, but I'm pretty sure that all of the authors have good excuses. I know I do, since I've got some jobs, a kid, and a bunch of stuff to do. So I think I'll try to just post shorter things, so I don't feel like I need to make huge posts every time I want to add something to the site. This time around, I wanted to call your attention to the Walk of Life Project, if you've not heard of it before. Basically, a man/mad genius has Read more [...]

Across 110th Street

It's one of the best opening credits I've ever seen, even though you're just watching a flight attendant walk through an airport. A lot of the reason it's cool is Pam Grier; my friend Josh and I would even imitate her "oh shit, I've gotta get a move on!" moment when she hikes up her purse and starts to speed walk. But the song has something undeniably great about it. Read more [...]

Movie Review: “It Might Get Loud”

Maybe we don't notice the axe men because the lead singers hog the spotlight; actually, that's almost certainly the case. But that's tragic, because the guitarists are often the most interesting guys in a band. Or, as Jason Lee's lead singer character says in Almost Famous: "From the very beginning, we said I'm the front man, and you're the guitarist with mystique. That's the dynamic we agreed on!" Read more [...]