Dustin’s random movie series: I.Q.

Sometimes I like to have some outside force choose my movie. If you go to instantwatcher.com, you can have a random Netflix streaming movie chosen for you. I almost chose another one, not sure if I would be in the mood for a romantic comedy, but I liked that it took place in the 50s and Albert Einstein was played by Walter Matthau. Well, I’m glad I did choose it, because I liked it, for the most part, at least…


That’s not actually Albert Einstein. It’s Walter Matthau!

Sam mentioned she had seen it at some point, and said it was “cute”. She was right. It was, but other than that and Matthau’s portrayal of Einstein, that was about it. Matthau was absolutely amazing as Einstein. He looked just like him. I just thought the script was a little weak in the character department. I didn’t really like Meg Ryan’s character. Other than her all-around adorableness, I didn’t really see what Tim Robbins saw in her. I was also always questioning a lot of characters’ motives during the story. There almost seemed as if there needed to be more development or setup with the characters to understand them a little further. The comedy wasn’t all that funny, either, just…well, “cute”, I guess. The movie was kinda good, I don’t necessarily recommend it to everyone, but it would make a great date night movie. It’s available on Netflix streaming as well as Amazon Prime, I believe.

I’ve been receiving a lot of flack from my Cinematic colleagues for not converting to the “Celsius” of movie ratings, so, I’ll give it a go. Script, 8/17. Comedy, 8/17. Walter Matthau, 16/17. Overall, 11/17. Anyone also seen this? I have actually never heard of it before even though there were some pretty big players in it.

One thought on “Dustin’s random movie series: I.Q.

  1. Hey Deuce!

    No no, you were on Celsius before, since it was more logical and used by most of the world. The 17-point scale is the Fahrenheit of movie scales, since it’s inherently got a bit more nuance, and it’s almost only used by some weirdos in the US.

    Welcome, though!

    As for this movie, I saw it a long time ago (when it came out my mom rented it) and I remember it being about like you described it. That’s when everyone went nuts for Meg Ryan, wasn’t it? Other than her last name, though, I don’t see the appeal.

    I’ll be looking forward to more random movies!

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