Fast and Furious 6: As Seen by Bill Simmons

Sometimes, you just have to let the masters do their thing.

If you don’t know him, Bill Simmons is a pop culture and sports writer over at ESPN, but he also has a website of his own called Grantland, where Chuck Klosterman (another excellent writer) collaborates quite often. Check it out.

But while you’re over there, check out Bill Simmons’ review of the new Fast and Furious 6 trailer which premiered during the Super Bowl but got an extended edition just a few days later. It’s hard to tell how much is sarcastic and how much is genuine, but I think like most Americans, he has a genuine appreciation for the age-old pasttime of watching stupid action movies. Enjoy.

Also, as an added bonus, be sure to read all the way to the end where he uses a modified SSSS (Sitzman Sinema Scoring Scale).

One thought on “Fast and Furious 6: As Seen by Bill Simmons

  1. That was a hilarious article! I’ll have to follow him. I’ve been following Klosterman for a while, but I hesitated about Simmons since I’d not heard of him, and since he seemed to go mostly for sports, which I don’t really care about. But I like how they also get into other cultural stuff. Nice recommendation!

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