Sam lightens things up with American Horror Story

After watching, what I believe to be, the saddest moment on television (Sunday’s episode of Downton Abbey–wow, I totally did not see that coming), I decided to turn to lighter programming, FX’s American Horror Story.  I mentioned to Sitz when I was finally persuaded to join this blog that I would mainly contribute my thoughts on what I’ve recently been reading, but since I’ve really not been in the mood lately, TV is now my go-to.  On to American Horror Story.

Don't you just hate it when the guy engulfed in flames photobombs your family photo?

Don’t you just hate it when the guy engulfed in flames photobombs your family photo?

The premise is simple and has been done many times in horror movie history: A family moves into a house that appears to be the deal of a lifetime.  When meeting with the Realtor  the husband, Ben played by Dylan McDermott, and wife, Vivien played by Connie Britton, are ready to make an offer on the house, until, according to the open-disclosure laws, the Realtor must tell them about the history of the house. To which Vivien replies, “What? Did the previous owner die here?”  “Um, yes,” the Realtor replies. “It was a murder/suicide…”  So naturally the family is seen moving into the house in the next scene.

Thanks to Netflix streaming, in the last three days, I’ve watched seven episodes and am completely addicted to this macabre series.  Like the house, the couple along with their teenage daughter, have a history that haunts them.  This show is not incredibly original, but it has enough twists and just, well, crazy stuff to keep me enthralled.  Such as the maid.  Moira is the maid who comes with the house, and when Vivien first meets her, she’s greeted with a women who looks to have been with the house for many years.  In walks Ben, who is greeted not by the matronly maid but an attractive red-head in a scandalous french-maid uniform.  Turns out, women see Moira as she is and men see what they want to see… Crazy!

Who would you prefer?

Who would you prefer?

What’s driving me to the end of this series is answers to the many questions posed.  Who is that crazy neighbor played by Jessica Lange, and what is her connection to the house?  How many murders have been committed in the house?  Who will show up next? And why is the teenage girl not the least bit scared?  Since I can’t even guess the answers to these questions, my only option is to keep watching.

Anyone else seen this show? What did you think?

4 thoughts on “Sam lightens things up with American Horror Story

  1. Hey Sam!

    First of all, it’s great to see you here, and I enjoyed your first (of hopefully many!) post.

    I’ve not seen this show, but it does sound interesting (although dangerously addicting). I may have to see if it’s on Costa Rican Netflix, especially to ogle “the help”! You know what they say: “If you think the man on fire is ‘hot,’ wait till you see the old maid!”

    Have a good weekend!

  2. I loved your caption under the first photo! That was hilarious!

    I can’t wait to watch this show now. I had been hearing really good and strange things about it for a while.

    I’m excited to read more of your posts! You’re a fantastic writer.

  3. What a great first post, Sam! I have been waiting forever for this show to be available on Netflix. I’m glad to know it’s good!

  4. I love you wife-wife! I love to read your writing! I think you should post about Downtown Abbey now (you forgot the “w”, by the way). Catch ya later, wife!

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