Good Cop, Good Cop

Ryan had mentioned that I should add more projects that I’ve actually worked on, so I thought I would throw this out there. Alright, so I didn’t actually work on it, but my friends made it in my basement as a warmup for one of their other projects, and they basically wanted to see how the cops would play off of each other (as you’ll see, quite well since they’re part of a comedy trio called Grawlix, based here in Denver).

Be warned, there is a lot of bad language, but if you’re cool with that then I suggest you check it out. Plus, as an added bonus, if you really like it then you can see Adam (the hairy cop) on Conan tomorrow night.

2 thoughts on “Good Cop, Good Cop

  1. Nice video! I did indeed ask Paul to share the stuff he’s been working on, and that also goes for any other writers on this blog. Have a good one!

  2. Freakin’ Hilarious. Stumbled upon this on Funny or Die before I saw this post. Wondered if it was from Colorado, what with all the riffing on Ray Borque and Colorado in general.

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