Good Cop, Good Cop

Ryan had mentioned that I should add more projects that I've actually worked on, so I thought I would throw this out there. Alright, so I didn't actually work on it, but my friends made it in my basement as a warmup for one of their other projects, and they basically wanted to see how the cops would play off of each other (as you'll see, quite well since they're part of a comedy trio called Grawlix, based here in Denver). Be warned, there is a lot of bad language, but if you're cool with that Read more [...]

The Post “Best of” Movie Dump: The Rest of 2012

For me, Christmas is a great time to ask for all of the movies that you might not always buy yourself, and if it wasn’t for you getting them as a present, then you might not see them at all. This last Christmas, I made it a point to squander other peoples’ best of the year lists to see what I might have missed out on, and the result was that I found a couple of gems that might have been overlooked by the general public. I’ve already watched most of them, so I thought I’d throw a little bit Read more [...]

Silver Linings Playbook: Funny Name, Serious Funny

When you look at the list of potential Oscar nominees this year, a simple romantic comedy like Silver Linings Playbook is easy to overlook. It's not a period piece, there's no CGI, and probably the most outrageous costuming in the entire film is when Bradley Cooper throws a garbage bag over his sweatshirt when he's going for a run with a football. Photo Credit: Aside from my time with a tiger on a lifeboat in 2006, SLP is the most easy to relate to my own life, which is probably Read more [...]

Review: Jiro Dreams of Sushi

I get a lot of movies recommended to me, but it's extremely rare that I ever watch any of them. Even more so when they've been recommended by more than one person. I don't know what it is. I like movies, and it's not that I don't trust the recommendations, it might just be that by the time I've heard about it for the second or third time, I feel like I've already seen it. Let me give you a little bit:Guy: Have you seen this movie, Jiro Dreams of Sushi? Me: No.Guy: It's about this guy...Me: I'm guessing Read more [...]

48 FPS: 2x The Suck

First off, thanks to the good folks at Cinematic Attic for allowing me to post here. I'm sure it will be the beginning of a long and fruitful, er... should be fun... well, um... discussions will be had, I'm sure.I had two movie reviews sitting in my back pocket, which I'll write up in the next few days, but something just came to me which is seemingly much more pressing. Hopefully everyone here has heard that Peter Jackson filmed The Hobbit not only in 3D, but also at 48 Frames Per Second. No doubt, Read more [...]